Eco-Friendly All Purpose Spray Cleaner by Koparo

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, it is important to clean and disinfect your home frequently to keep you and your family safe and healthy. Although person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 is far more dangerous than surface transmission, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces at least once a day, even if you are not outdoors at home. This is because whenever an object or person enters or leaves the house, it is likely to be affected. Recent studies have shown that the novel coronavirus can stay in the air for up to 3 hours, up to 24 hours on surfaces like cardboard, and up to three days on surfaces like plastic & stainless steel. Here are some ways to properly clean and disinfect your home and keep it as germ-free as possible.

Cleaning a surface (simply removing dust and particles) is not the same as disinfecting a surface to kill viruses and bacteria. There are many products that can be used to clean hard surfaces, such as soapy water and vinegar. And while cleaning high-traffic surfaces to remove dust, dirt and debris is a necessary step in cleaning your home, you need to disinfect those surfaces against the new coronavirus. Not all Eco-friendly cleaning products in India are effective against all types of germs, so you need to know exactly which foods kill COVID-19. You don't have to sweep your home from top to bottom every day, but you should focus on disinfecting areas that are high in germs. The most important items to be disinfected daily are:

· Handles for cupboards and drawers.

· water tap

· kitchen and bathroom shelves

· Toilets, especially seats and handrails

· Refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, and microwave oven handles

· remote control and game controller

· Cell phones, tablets, and other mobile devices

· computer keyboard and mouse

· door handle/knob

· table surface

· stair railing

· light switch/switch

Koparo has come up with the Natural disinfectant which is totally herbal and has no side effects. Koparo company advises letting the product sit and remain wet on surfaces or objects for 10 minutes, and that will kill 99.9 percent of germs. The "active ingredient" in any disinfectant formula is to kill pathogens, usually by destroying or damaging cells. Active ingredients are usually assisted by other ingredients that serve different purposes. For example, surfactants can be added to disinfectant formulations to keep surfaces permanently wet or to make cleaning easier. Do always remember to wash your hands before and after cleaning and disinfecting the house. Using the Plant based cleaning products and walking over the green road is the new initiative.


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