Natural Baby & Pets Safe Floor Cleaner

Our babies and furry family members need immediate attention when it comes to cleaning! You need to clean more than you imagined! Before jumping into cleanse mode, let’s take a minute to consider what you have stocked up under your sink. All parents should be alert of the ingredients that can be harmful to their babies as well as our four-legged fuzzy musketeers. The best piece of advice that can be suggested is to avoid products that contain ammonia, bleach, formaldehyde, phthalates, glycol ethers, and perchloroethylene.

Who has access to all stuff in our house? Well, I would say it's our beloved pets! They out if nowhere land on our couches, blankets, beds, floors, and even the walls. No kidding it seriously takes a lot of tedious efforts in keeping everything clean and tidy, which makes it even more important to ensure the cleaning products we use in our homes are harmless for our pets and humans too!

The best floor cleaner in India with big marketing campaigns are usually filled with harsh and toxic chemicals that will give you the results but will risk your health in the long run.

Luckily, there are several brands out there making baby-pet-safe cleaning products – here are four of our favorites.

1. Little bub-safe all-purpose cleaner

This baby safe floor cleaner work on plenty surfaces such as glass, stainless steel, floors, countertops and cuts through grease, grime, food residue, and many other unwanted textures pets might leave. It’s suitable for marble, granite, wood, laminate, tile, glass, steel and other metal surfaces. Plus, it smells lovely!

2. Pet-safe floor cleaner

This one-step miracle pet safe floor cleaner works like a magic with a single mop, Amazingly formulated with plant-based ingredients, biodegradable plus eco-friendly safe for our little buds, extremely gentle on skin and paws and safe enough for any accidental licking problems that happen all the time.

3. Eco-pro dishwashing liquid

Relationships with our kids and pets are damn precious, very often young children can touch your dog’s bowl while playing on the floor, and then they unknowingly put their fingers in their mouths – this is the reason using nature-derived formulation to cut through grease and will do a great job of washing away oils that accumulate on your dog's coat and skin.

With being parents comes a great responsibility our sole target becomes spending a lot of time and effort in safeguarding the health and well-being of your loved ones. The best we can do on our part is eliminate exposure to harmful chemicals, first steps towards good health start with home let’s choose natural, non-toxic cleaners that will be a boon to the health of your family.


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