5 DIY tips to wash house more efficiently
Necessity is the mother of the invention a well-known proverb that holds so true in this pandemic. Maintaining a house is not as easy as it sounds, it’s surely a battlefield especially for people who are quite determined about cleanliness sustenance at home.
Well, it's time to ditch the dirt, forget the fancy cleaning products; everything that you need has always existed in your kitchen all this time! Good news is they are not only environmentally safe, budget-friendly but also safe for your loved ones.
Without any delay let's meet the star players available in the kitchen itself!
1. BORAX the wonder mineral
Borax is a standalone powerhouse of best natural cleaning solution. It adds a boost to your carpet cleaner machine by adding a 1/2 cup of borax per gallon of water. You can even feed your fruit trees sprinkle a cup of borax around a full-size tree every 3-4 years.
2. Cornstarch and White vinegar duo
One of the tedious jobs to clean is an oven. Take White vinegar (1 cup), cornstarch (1 tablespoon) Stir together vinegar and cornstarch, heat until thickened, let it cool to room temperature. Apply to the oven, let sit for 20 minutes, wipe clean.
3. Pair of Baking soda and White vinegar
We will use these powerhouse cleaners separately as combining them will produce volcano fizz. At first spray the glass surface with white vinegar and wipes it off with a damp cloth, then sprinkle the baking soda over the entire surface, and then lastly cover the stovetop with a damp towel in hot water for 15 minutes it will soak and will loosen the crud that is piled up.
Check out: Best Way to Wash House
4. Coconut oil and baking soda
This combo is a sure shot hit! All you need is mix 1 tablespoon coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to your cabinets with a cloth or sponge, for spaces that are harder to reach try using an old toothbrush you will see all the dirt coming off.
5. Castile Soap
It’s made of 100 percent plant oils free from animal fats and chemical ingredients. Homemade floor cleaner castile soap can be the perfect choice to make your floors sparkle. Add 1/2 cup of soap to 3 gallons of hot water and mop as usual.
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