What are the unique ways of creating natural floor cleaners at home?
With the increase of lots of physical complications, people of the 21 st century prefer to use organic floor cleaner liquids to remove dirt and germs from home. Chemical cleaners consist of lots of harmful chemicals that can cause serious health hazards for people; thus, it is safe to use organic floor cleaners. Organic floor cleaner preparation If you want to use the best floor cleaner detergent , you can make organic cleaning liquids at home by following the simple steps. 1. Carpet cleaning liquids- Few drops of dishwashing liquids, one tablespoon of white vinegar, one tablespoon of baking soda, and 1 cup of warm water; you can use this mixture to clean the carpet area and use a dry cloth to absorb the excess moisture of the carpet. 1. Wooden floor cleaning liquid- ¼ cup of white vinegar, 1 gallon of warm water, few drops of essential oil as per your choice; this mixture works as an excellent floor cleaner for the wooden floor. 2. Ceramic floor cleaning liquid- ¼ cup of w...